Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wondering what we've been up to? Look no further!

We kicked off our year with a study of the Hydrosphere - Earth's water system! Students conducted science investigations, including the one shown above in which they assembled and observed miniature water cycles. This unit culminated last week in an opportunity for students to show all that they have learned by creating a Hydrosphere poster. An example of one student's work is shown here.
Our class teamed up with Mr. Josh to design and paint a life-sized checkerboard on the playground! First, we learned about area and perimeter by making our own smaller checkerboards and thinking about how we would enlarge them for the playground. Then, we learned to the play the game with a friend. Finally, students helped Mr. Josh measure and layout the checkerboard, which was then painted.
 We met our kindergarten buddies and have enjoyed time reading with them, as well as building, writing, and more. The kindergarteners are super excited about any opportunity to work with their fifth grader. And the fifth graders enjoy the experience of stepping into a leadership role and thinking about how far they've come since they first started school - at SIA or elsewhere - so many years ago! We will be heading to the Pumpkin Patch with our kinder buddies next week.