Monday, February 6, 2017

Becoming published Creative Writers!

We have wrapped up our unit on narrative writing. After studying Personal Narrative and writing several pieces in that genre, students than imagined, planned, wrote, revised, and edited their own fictional, creative short stories. This process involved mapping their story before writing to ensure that it had interesting characters and settings, rising action, a climax, and a resolution. Students then typed their stories using their Ipads and keypads and sought feedback from teachers and peers to make many revisions. Finally, students peer-edited each others writing to help everyone produce a polished, finished piece. We published these finished stories on a special website called KidBlog. Here's the link to the page where you can read our writing.

Many students also created a work of "cover art" for their story, which are posted in the hallway outside our classroom along with QR codes that link to the KidBlog site.

Happy Reading!